Northern Ireland teachers to receive 2.25% pay rise in September 2020

Northern Ireland teachers to receive 2.25% pay rise in September

Northern Ireland teachers will receive an increase to their salaries in September 2020, following on from an agreement with Northern Ireland union parties.

The new deal commits to a significant increase in teachers salaries. The 2.25% pay increase for all teachers will be backdated for 2017-2018, and a further 2% pay will be backdated for 2018-2019, accumulating to an overall 4.25% in backdated payments.

In a survey conducted in between 10 April 2020 and 20 April 2020 by the unions, 85% of union members supported the decision.

Dr Patrick Roach, general secretary at NASUWT, said: “This agreement represents a major step forward in securing better industrial relations and improved working conditions for teachers.

“It represents the culmination of tremendous work by NASUWT members and their representatives who have made a compelling case which is now set to deliver real improvements to teachers’ pay and working conditions.”

Justin McCamphill, national official at NASUWT, added “The pay increase brings teachers’ pay in line with the rest of the UK for the same pay period. The Union will now seek to deliver a pay settlement for 2019/20 and 2020/21 which adequately rewards teachers for the work that they do.”

“The NASUWT is confident that our activists and members will now apply themselves fully to ensuring that the working conditions in the Agreement are fully embedded across all school.”

Jacquie White, general secretary at Ulster Teachers’ Union, said: “The deal has been hard-fought, long-awaited and is well-deserved but it was always about more than pay and now this deal will also, from September, protect teachers against crippling workloads.

“Indeed, the nine review areas covered by the award have the potential to reshape the education system over the coming years in a way which mutually benefits teachers, principals and employers.

“However, our work to secure and maintain pay awards commensurate with our professional standing and with our colleagues elsewhere in the UK goes on.

“The Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council (NITC) will now begin the process of submitting a pay claim for 2019/20 and 2020/21, addressing the losses against inflation and which will be benchmarked against neighbouring jurisdictions.

“The UTU looks forward to working with its fellow teaching unions and the employers to secure the future our teachers and principals deserve.”

Department of Education was unavailable to comment at the time of publication.