Switching off from work

Almost a third of workers find it difficult to switch off from work in their personal time, putting them more at risk of becoming stressed or burnt out. Research by the Myers-Brigg Company also found that those who are always on are more likely to experience high stress or mental exhaustion. Relaxing after a difficult day at work can be hard, especially when technology is everywhere. However, switching off from work is vital for our wellbeing and productivity.

Avoid checking your phone in the evenings
The advancement of technology was meant to free workers from being desk bound, however, mobile devices have actually digitally linked us to our desks 24/7. The Myers-Brigg Company found that 28% of workers said they find it difficult to mentally switch off from their jobs because of access to work emails and smartphones. Our lives are now constantly bombarded and interrupted by emails, texts and phone calls. Therefore, it’s important to switch off in the evening and get into the habit into turning your phone off after work.

Minimise work chat at home
Talking about work can help but you don’t want to let it take over your life and consume everything you do. It may be hard, however, try to not bring your problems home with you and create a safe space away from work drama. Discussing work can bring up negative feelings and bring you down. Make sure you limit work chat at home to help separate your professional and personal life.

Destress after a long day
Try to establish an unwinding ritual at the end of the day to train your mind to slow down. The average time it takes for people to unwind in the evening is between 30 and 90 minutes. However, it’s important to not rely on alcohol as a relaxant to help you unwind as too much alcohol can make you feel worse instead of better. Mindfulness is one of the best ways to destress after work and is all about being in the present moment. Practising mindfulness is about focusing on your breathing, and being aware of the sounds and feelings around you. It may also be a good idea to create a bedtime routine that helps you have a peaceful and restorative sleep… Have a bubble bath, pop on some relaxing music and light some candles, and enjoy your me-time.

Find a hobby
After a long hard day at work, the first thing you may want to do is collapse on the sofa, have some wine and watch TV. It may be worth considering doing something a little bit more productive, like finding yourself a hobby. Immersing yourself in something that keeps your mind occupied, can help you find solutions that you may not have thought of. Embrace a new hobby such as painting, sculpting, reading, exercising, cooking, photography, bird watching, baking, learning to play an instrument, or writing.